Maak & Transmettre and Bitoño (design studio and silkscreen workshop) met at the Micro Factory in Anderlecht. The two entities shared their workshops and tools, and exchanged a great deal about their respective practices. Naturally, the desire to work together and combine skills on a social and creative project was born, in the form of ANDERKIDS. ANDERKIDS is a multi-disciplinary project serving the local community, with a particular focus on children. Starting with the “circuit” playmat, a classic children’s game, and the codes of cartography, young anderlechtoi·se·s were invited to imagine their new Cureghem via a cycle of creative workshops throughout the district: floor drawing, silkscreening, tufting… This culminated in the creation of a collective playmat. Reclaiming public space means giving one’s opinion, imagining a different future and conceiving the realities we all need and want. It’s also about believing that children and adults alike can take up space in the city in a creative and playful way.
In collaboration with Bitoño and the non-profits Cultureghem, Archikids (Recyclart) and the Maison des Enfants d’Anderlecht.
Supported by the commune of Anderlecht, service Cohésion Sociale
photos ⓒ Lucile Dizier
Maak & Transmettre and Bitoño (design studio and silkscreen workshop) met at the Micro Factory in Anderlecht. The two entities shared their workshops and tools, and exchanged a great deal about their respective practices. Naturally, the desire to work together and combine skills on a social and creative project was born, in the form of ANDERKIDS. ANDERKIDS is a multi-disciplinary project serving the local community, with a particular focus on children. Starting with the “circuit” playmat, a classic children’s game, and the codes of cartography, young anderlechtoi·se·s were invited to imagine their new Cureghem via a cycle of creative workshops throughout the district: floor drawing, silkscreening, tufting… This culminated in the creation of a collective playmat. Reclaiming public space means giving one’s opinion, imagining a different future and conceiving the realities we all need and want. It’s also about believing that children and adults alike can take up space in the city in a creative and playful way.
In collaboration with Bitoño and the non-profits Cultureghem, Archikids (Recyclart) and the Maison des Enfants d’Anderlecht.
Supported by the commune of Anderlecht, service Cohésion Sociale
photos ⓒ Lucile Dizier